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Environmental Awareness Grant 

Environmental Awareness Grant 2018
SAVMA's Public Health and Community Outreach Committee 

The Environmental Awareness Grant is a SAVMA sponsored grant that allows for current SAVMA members to reach out and initiate environmental projects, engage in research, or attend conservation related events/ meetings. This grant can be used to support topics such as: initiating recycling programs at your school, decreasing plastic waste in the veterinary community, support for conservation programs, travel grants for conservation projects local and abroad, and supporting research relating to veterinary conservation. 

A first place grant receives $1000 and two honorable mentions receive $500. Applications and Letter of Recommendation are due November 1, 2018! Check out the details here. You must be a SAVMA member to apply.

Email savma.phcoc@gmail.com with any questions by using "Environmental Awareness Grant 2018" in the subject line

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