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Can Veterinary Education SAVE the Planet?


Can Veterinary Education SAVE the Planet?

Climate change is poised to be the most significant global health threat of the 21stcentury. Building on the just-released US Climate Assessment Report, Colorado State University students are advocating that veterinarians get involved in this important issue. As part of a second-year elective course, a group of students have designed a survey to assess what veterinary students know, and want to know, about the relationship between climate change and health. Responses will be used to help shape educational opportunities and at the end of the survey you will have the opportunity to join the SAVE community and be entered to win cool schwag. Make your voice heard now!  The survey can be accessed through this hyperlink:

 SAVE: Sustainability Advocacy in Veterinary Medicine


The deadline to take this survey is Thursday, February 14th!!

If you have any questions or difficulty accessing the survey, please contact savevetmed@gmail.com


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