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The Human-Animal Bond Grant 

Are you passionate about the human-animal bond? Have you been trying to come up with ways to emphasize the importance of it at your school? Read below to learn more about a funding opporunity for just that! Deadline approaching!

"The purpose of this AWESC Human-Animal Grant is to reimburse SAVMA members to initiate or sustain human-animal bond projects, defray expenses for special lectures on topics involving human-animal bond, and enhance the education of veterinary students in tangible ways related to the human-animal bond. The grant does NOT cover travel expenses for any mentioned about. The grant will provide 5 students with a total of $500 each. The application will be due October 31st, 2020 at 11:59pm. The winning participants will be notified November 20th, 2020.

Apply for this grant here.

Contact savma.awesc@gmail.com with any questions or concerns!"

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