
Clinicians' Panel on Mental Health


September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Join SAVMA this Saturday, September 19th as we collaborate with several professional student organizations to focus on mental health and suicide prevention awareness with a panel of clinicians. Despite the differences of our respective professions, we are all impacted by mental health. Please register through the Google form located on the following Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/742740193243207/.


HSVMA Announces 2020 Compassionate Care Scholarship Recipients

The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association would like to recognize the recipients of the 2020 Compassionate Care Scholarship!

Applicants for this year’s HSVMA Compassionate Care Scholarships have already proven their resilience and determination as future veterinary professionals.  As the coronavirus pandemic shut down in-person learning on campuses across the world, students continued to persevere and make the best out of a less than ideal situation. We had a record number of applicants this year and HSVMA is proud to assist this year’s recipients as they navigate uncharted territory in a One Health crisis never before seen in this century.  Thank you to our leadership who continues to donate their time and resources: Dr. Barry Kipperman, HSVMA Board President and California State Co-Representative, Dr. Gary Block, HSVMA Board member, Rhode Island State Representative and owner of Ocean State Veterinary Services in Greenwich, RI, and Dr. Carrie Waters, HSVMA Texas State Representative.  We are excited to recognize these students and the work they are already performing to advance animal welfare in the veterinary field.

By Heather Schrader, RVT

Please join HSVMA and The Vet Gazette as we congratulate these outstanding student members of the veterinary community!  Visit the links below to learn more about each scholarship recipient.

Benjamin Flakoll, 1st Place, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Class of 2021

Naomi Guzman, 2nd Place, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign College of Veterinary Medicine, Class of 2021

Sheree Deadrick, 3rd Place, Tuskegee University College of Veterinary Medicine, Class of 2021


AWESC Environmental Tip of the Month

The SAVMA Animal Welfare and Environmental Stewarship Committee would like to share some helpful hints regarding how to develop green habits while spending more time at home!  If you happen to live near the coast (or even if you don't!), take a study break to participate in International Coastal Cleanup Month!  Every small step brings us closer to a healthier environment, so join the ~wave~ of clean and green!


Wednesday Wisdom

As we really get into the swing of the most unique semester of veterinary school, I would like to share some words of wisdom delivered by our very own National SAVMA President, Mrs. Marie Bucko!  A helpful reminder that no matter what stage of life you are moving into, taking care of your mental and emotional wellbeing is of utmost importance:

WOW – is this really happening? Who would have thought we'd be heading into a new academic year amidst a pandemic during vet school?! Whether you are carrying out didactics or clinics – it's a new season and I hope you can take a moment to pause and soak this in. Look what you have accomplished just by being in veterinary medical school!

This semester is unlike any other and how you move through it is entirely up to YOU. Life can present us with a lot of distractions (cough…pandemic…cough), but you are the captain of YOUR vet school journey.  Meaning, do you, friend.  Sure you may find yourself questioning your study habits ("am I doing enough?" or "should I be studying like they are?"), you may play that comparison game or struggle to find a school-life balance-it happens to so many of us.  But I'm here to tell you – YOU ARE DOING THIS RIGHT. Read that again. Stay focused on what works for you even if you have to discover that through trial and error (it's ok to give yourself permission to make mistakes).

We all move through vet school in our own way – focus on you, unapologetically.  Take that extra 15-minute break, or heck take that day off if that's what you think you need.  Vet school is a marathon! It can get very tiring in many ways. In flights (remember those big aluminum tubes that bring us to world-wide destinations), they tell you to put your air mask on first before you can help others. If you meet your needs first, everything around you will then get your best self. That's how we make this world a better place.

I'll leave you with a quote shared with me on my 1st day of vet school: "Don't let your education get in the way of your learning".  You are in that seat for a reason and gosh, our profession is so fortunate to have you.  I'm here for you & our SAVMA is here for you.  You got this friend-don't forget that. *fist bump*

Thank you for always lifting us higher Marie!


VIN Topic Rounds

Are you missing out on clinical rotations because of COVID-19? The VIN Student Team has you covered with Tuesday Topic Rounds.  During the month of September, join Dr. Sharon Gwaltney-Brant, DVM, PhD, DABVT, DABT for 30 minute, case-based sessions on Toxicology every Tuesday at 12ET. Everyone and all levels of experience are welcome. There will be time for Q&A and discussion following. The next session is Effective Decontamination Techniques on September 8, 2020 at 12 ET.

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