
Cat Nap Friday

Do you have any fun, socially-distant plans for Labor Day weekend?  Maybe you're just taking some time for yourself and relaxing, like our new friend Oliver!  Whether you are heading out of town or taking a cat nap, be safe out there!  Thank you to Charlotte Madahar from the University of Pennsylvania for sharing Oliver with us!


A Touch of Green

Our homes have turned into our classrooms, so it is important to create a positive learning environment!  Kate Maas from the University of Illinois brought her new decorations to life, literally!  Thank you for sharing your green thumb and your creativity with us Kate!


Wellbeing Support Fund Accepting Applications

 As veterinary students return to classes in the world of COVID-19, maintaining mental and emotional wellbeing is more important than ever.  Have a creative and unique idea to provide your classmates with a virtual wellness boost? Look no further! The SAVMA Wellbeing Committee is currently reviewing applications for their Wellness Support Fund. Take a look below for details!

In light of the growing body of evidence indicating high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression in the veterinary profession, the SAVMA Wellbeing Committee recognizes that there is a considerable need to transform the culture of veterinary schools into one that is safe, promotes self-awareness, and encourages healthy living habits.  The committee will award up to $2,500.00 each cycle to student applicants demonstrating the need for assistance with a project, lecture, or event(s) that will foster physical or mental wellbeing in their respective college, on an as needed basis. This cycle ends December 31, 2020.

Click here for the application!

Please send any questions to


A New Generation of Leaders

At the 2020 Virtual AVMA Convention, the SAVMA House of Delegates elected new delegates to the remaining positions on the National SAVMA Executive Board.  Originating from veterinary schools across the country and beyond, these students truly embody what it means to be better together. They are incredibly passionate about the bright future of veterinary medicine and serving the veterinary student community on a national level.  The purpose of the National SAVMA Executive Board is to listen to YOU, veterinary students – your experiences, ideas, concerns, and questions – and in combination with the AVMA, advocate for real change in the field of veterinary medicine.  Please join me in welcoming the newest faces of SAVMA!

Top Row, Left to Right:

Pallavi Oruganti (Cultural Outreach Officer-Elect), Sarah Delmotte (Editor in Chief-Elect), Hidayah Martinez Jaka (President-Elect), Tyler McMurray (Veterinary Economics Officer-Elect), Jonathan Dumas (Chapter President Representative-Elect)

Bottom Row, Left to Right:

Ilissa Chasnick (Treasurer-Elect), Ashley Miller (Global and Public Health Officer-Elect), Laci Taylor (International Exchange Officer-Elect), Brooke MacNeill (Secretary-Elect), Hanna Netisingha (Communications and Public Relations Officer-Elect)

Contact information for each official listed above can be found here with your student AVMA login.


VIN Topic Rounds

Are you missing out on clinical rotations because of COVID-19? Does Neurology make you tremor? The VIN Student Team has you covered with Tuesday Topic Rounds.  During the month of August, join Dr. Anne Katherman, DVM, MS, DACVIM (Neurology) for 30 minute, case-based sessions on Neurology every Tuesday at 12ET. Everyone and all levels of experience are welcome. There will be time for Q&A and discussion following. The next session is Managing Poison Emergencies on September 1, 2020 at 12 ET.

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