Entries in Contest (3)


OIE Rinderpest Game Challenge



You are not alone in this – from 4 October 2018 to 1 November 2018 you are invited to play the OIE Rinderpest Challenge. Team up with other contestants from your country to save the world and you may win a trip to Paris.

Click here to review the Rules of the OIE Rinderpest Challenge

Click here to learn more about the use of personal data.

The country that has accumulated the most points will win the OIE Rinderpest Challenge, and its highest score player will win a TRIP TO PARIS during the OIE General Session in May 2019!

Each of the players will receive a certificate signed by the Director General of the OIE and the country will be recognized during the OIE General Session in May 2019.

The winner of the Rinderpest Challenge will be announced on 6 November 2018 on this website : don’t forget to come back to as often as needed to improve your knowledge and check your country’s score !

Click below to play the game

You can also download the game in your phone or tablet

 Veterinary students, laboratory practitioners and all players in animal health need to join forces in order to ensure that the world remains free from the disease.


Best Advice Essay Contest

Here's a shot at some free money and a chance to put your thoughts into words. SAVMA's Education and Professional Development Committee presents the Best Advice Essay Contest 2010.

The question is: "What is the best piece of advice you have gathered from a mentor/teacher for getting through veterinary school, the profession, or clinics and why?"

These essays should be no longer than 500 words and we are looking for:
- a brief synopsis of when and how the advice was given
- who gave you the advice
- how it has affected you in your veterinary career

In addition, please provide us with a title that either summarizes the advice or is the advice itself.

The winner will receive $100 and the runner-up will receive $50. Your submission will also be published here on The Vet Gazette

Best Advice Essays should be submitted electronically to joannemh@vt.edu by Monday, October 25th, 2010.  Submissions will be reviewed by the EPDC and announced before the end of the fall semester.

Please be sure to include you name, email address, and school on your submission, and have “EPDC Best Advice” in the subject heading.

Any questions can be directed to joannemh@vt.edu.

Thanks for participating!


International Exchange Hosts Needed!

Do you know a vet that would host an international student at their clinic? Do you know more than one? Do you like cash? Then keep on reading!

The International Veterinary Exchange Committee (IVEC) is holding a contest for recruiting the most IVSA exchange host veterinarians. The deadline is March 1, and the winning individual will receive $50 and the winning IVSA chapter receives $200! This is part of an effort by the IVEC to increase the number of veterinarians in the US that are willing to host international students at their practice for a 2-4 week exchange. If you have worked with any veterinarians that might be interested, please encourage them to become IVSA exchange hosts, even after the contest is over! IVSA exchange host forms are available on the SAVMA IVSA website (www.avma.org/savma/ieo/) and please send completed forms to Virginia Kiefer at SAVMAIEO@gmail.com