Entries in ozone (1)


Ozone Therapy Summit

Check out the International Ozone Therapy Summit being hosted by O3Vets on May 1. This event is a tremendous opportunity to hear from "thought leaders" from throughout the world! Learn more here and use code 2021student to receive a 90% student discount!

"Many integrative veterinarians have found Ozone Therapy a safe and efficacious tool to augment many current treatment protocols. Ozone Therapy provides a way to reduce the use of antibiotics and allow the body to naturally heal itself! 

In an attempt to educate and train future doctors such as yourselves, we wanted to make the International Summit accessible to students as inexpensively as possible. Interested students will find this live event a tremendous opportunity to listen to and discuss with many of the world's top veterinarians about not only Ozone Therapy but also many other integrative modalities as well!"