Entries in Date night (1)


Life as a Vet Student

By: Elizabeth Wormley
Class of 2011, Iowa State University

Whether you are married, engaged, or just enjoying time with a special someone, there are two simple words for helping a relationship withstand the trials and tribulations of veterinary school…date night. Date night can be whenever and whatever you want it to be. The most important part is to pick a day and stick to it. My husband and I spend time together every Friday evening, regardless of what is going on with our schedules. (Friday works well for us since I don’t have an exam the next day and he typically doesn’t have to work.) Sometimes date night is going out to try a new restaurant; sometimes it’s renting a movie and making popcorn so that we can stay home with our furry children. Date night doesn’t have to be extravagant or lengthy; it just has to be time for you to focus on and enjoy one another’s company. And if for some reason there is some sort of event preventing your regularly scheduled date night, plan ahead and schedule it for the day before or after. Just always make the effort to have a weekly time set aside to talk and listen to each other – you won’t regret it.